Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mini Muffin Tin Potato Cakes.

Looking for something cute and easy to bring to a cocktail party.  This is it!  If you do not have a mini muffin tin a normal muffin tin will work.

Yield 12 mini cakes (this recipe is easy to double)

2 cups of shredded potato- rinsed and squeeze out the moisture (all the recipes online say to use frozen, but I couldn't find any frozen shredded potatoes to my liking)
3 Tablespoons minced onion (I used a grater)
Tablespoon of flour
4-6 Tablespoons parmesan cheese
1 Tablespoon fresh Thyme or Rosemary
1 egg
Fresh Cracked  pepper
Topping: Chedder cheese

Optional: bacon bits or sausage.
--Preheat oven to 425 and heat the muffin tin for 10 minutes
1. Mix potato and flour. Add onion, parmesan cheese, herbs, s&p and egg.  Mix together.
2. Pull muffin tin from oven and use parchment paper to butter the tin.  Add mixture.
3.  Bake for 13 minutes and then flip them and bake for another 13 minutes.


1 comment:

  1. Round 2 modification: use veggie oil to coat the mini-tin. My first batch was sticky!!
